Friday, December 31, 2010

Bring on 2011!!!
Sorry for the poor quality, but I still enjoyed making this. I think it's pretty obvious by looking at this that I picked up some skills and got a new camera along the way!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Before and After blog hop

Just got home last night and have been terrible about keeping up here, things will slow down now, I think!

Here is my before and after for the week.

SOOC: Actually I think it looks pretty cute like this, Mac trying to sit at the big table with the big kids.

After: It didn't necessarily need these edits, but I just messed around a little until I found a look that I thought was interesting.

I didn't crop it, I tried, but actually thought it looked better un-cropped. My question is, do you think the gingerbread house is cluttering the shot? I feel like it sort of just blends in, but I'm wondering what others would do...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Before and After Blog Hop

Been away from the blog for way too long, I promise soon a lengthy post about Disneyland, including lots of pics (ok, I can't really promise anything right now...)
I thought I'd go ahead and play along with Pixel Perfect's Before and After this week.

Before. We were just messing around and I snapped a few pics of the kids. This looked yucky to me SOOC, but I thought I saw some potential...

I must say that I think this is lovely. My little Mac is 18 months old already!

Here is what I did (if I remember correctly)
First I tweaked the color a bit using magic seesaw, mostly to tone down some yellows. Then I used Everday Elements Deep clean 1 to pop and brighten the eyes. I also evened out skin tone a bit. Then I ran Everday Elements Florida action tweaked the layers a bit. Then I felt it really needed a good crop, and I think the crop is the best part of the edit:)

Friday, December 10, 2010


In the midst of preparing for Christmas, and a trip to Disneyland next week, I'm feeling a little swamped. I haven't had as much time to mess with editing photos, let alone take a ton of new pics. I have been trying to get better at taking some photos inside the house, because this time of year, the weather is just kind of, well, blech. I was trying the light in our family room and I think this might be just the right spot to set up a little "studio".


And Miss Evelyn:

PS: It's funny that I didn't tell the girls to pose any certain way, yet they are in nearly the exact same positions!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Decided to enter Photo Freak's sepia challenge. I don't actually often edit in sepia, and as you can see it isn't completely sepia, I experimented by adding some sepia tones and also left some color in, but I think this is a lovely pic!


Monday, December 6, 2010


I bet you thought I may never post again:) This time of year gets so busy and I upgraded to a desktop and it's taken awhile to get up and running. I had a fun (but cold) time taking some photos of a friend's kids on Saturday and as promised, here is a little preview of these two gorgeous little ones. We didn't get to do as many as we wanted and couldn't stay outside that long because it was a brisk Seattle morning. A little too brisk for the kids (and frozen fingers aren't so good for snapping pics), I think we got some really nice shots and I think we all had fun!

Taylor (little beauty)
And Gavin (hello, watch out ladies!)

Together (so cute)

I hope you like them Adriana, there are lots of others that I'm working on too!